The consultative meeting on the EntreComp toolkit and the competence recognition tool was held at the Bureau for Education Services in Podgorica, Montenegro.
The purpose of the meeting was to present the first version of the EntreComp Toolkit and the VALI-Comp tool for recognizing competencies and collecting feedback from participants on the presented materials.
The participants were representatives of the Bureau for Education Services, the Center for Vocational Education, the University of Donja Gorica, the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, ISWG, and secondary schools in Montenegro.
Participants were presented with EntreComp competencies, examples of teaching units, VALI-COMP instruments and a set of tools.
After the presentation of the material, the discussion among the participants began. The comments received from them concerned the following aspects: relevance, compatibility and applicability, innovation, assessment of what is valuable in the material, challenges and limitations, as well as the question of how to bring the material closer to teachers.
The collected comments will additionally serve for the improvement and finalization of the presented materials.