EntreComp Introductory Conference

As part of the “VETpreneur – Vocational Education and Training PRovision with ENtrepreneurial Education Uptake in the Region” project, the EntreComp introductory conference was held on 28 April 2023.

The Institute for Education of Montenegro and JA Montenegro hosted representatives of educational institutions, NGOs, academic and business sectors at the University of Donja Gorica as a strategic partner of the DMuCG team.

The project is supported by the European Union and aims to provide quality strategies, methods and programs that will directly affect the development and improvement of the quality of entrepreneurial education in the Western Balkans region.

The structure of the Conference was based on presentations by experts in which, after the welcoming words, a review of the achievements so far was presented and at the same time an analysis of the needs for further integration of the EntreComp framework into the education and training system in Montenegro, along with teamwork and discussion.