Western Balkans group of VET practitioners  

The Intersectoral Working Group (ISWG) is a regional team of VET experts in the mission of integrating EntreComp competencies into teaching and learning in the Western Balkans. The team was created in 2023 and works with the support of the…

The VALI-COMP recognition tool is ready!

The VALI-COMP model is a set of tools and procedures for verifying that participant of learning activity has triggered development of an entrepreneurial competence within a learning activity. The model is created to be support tool for implementation of EntreComp…

Take a look on our Conceptual model of Toolkit

The conceptual model is the initial document that serves as the basis for creating the Toolkit on EntreComp framework into VET programs and practices (with recognition tool). This document proposes the structure and content of the Toolkit, provides instructions for…

Our year in a review

We are excited to announce the publication of our first project newsletter! Packed with updates and news, our newsletter will keep you informed about our project’s progress. Whether you’re a project stakeholder, collaborator, or simply curious about what we’re up…

JUST PUBLISHED: EntreComp in the Western Balkans

The working document “New Momentum – EntreComp in the Western Balkans”, a description of the process of integrating EntreComp into the education and training system in the Western Balkans countries is now available here: The document was created by a…