Western Balkans group of VET practitioners  

The Intersectoral Working Group (ISWG) is a regional team of VET experts in the mission of integrating EntreComp competencies into teaching and learning in the Western Balkans. The team was created in 2023 and works with the support of the international VETpreneur project. The role of ISWG is to provide professional support in the process of developing tools for the integration of EntreComp competencies in VET programs. The work of ISWG is focused on the development of 2 key tools that will be presented to VET institutions:

• Toolkit for EntreComp framework integration into VET programs and practices

• Recognition Tool for entrepreneurial competencies acquired through the VET program kroz VET programe;

ISWG consists of 22 representatives of professional institutes, secondary VET schools and faculties, centers for adult education and VET experts and educators, whose profiles you can read HERE. ISWG will strive to expand membership and grow into a Community of Practitioners.

In the upcoming period, ISRG will present a model of validation of entrepreneurial competencies acquired in education and training programs.

The ISWG activities are implemented within the Erasmus+ project VETpreneur through the Capacity Building in VET in the Western Balkans.

ISWG contact person is Dragana Jovanović who you may reach through dragana.jovanovic(at)wb-institute.org.

Thank you for your continued support, and we hope you enjoy reading our publication.