Training of trainers in Albania on integration of EntreComp

A two- day Training of trainers on integration of EntreComp framework in VET through the methods of non-formal education was held for 19 teachers in Tirana, Albania. The training host was Junior Achievement in Albania.

The training was implemented by Westerns Balkans Institute as part of the VETpreneur project and comes after the working group prepared the EntreComp Practicum and the skills recognition mechanism.

The purpose of the training was to introduce teachers and educators in Albania to the EntreComp Practicum and enable them to train their colleagues on how to use the Practicum and mechanism.

The training started with the question whether participants as teachers and educators teach their students or they train their students? This question led to discussion about what does teaching means in comparison with meaning of training, what methods teachers use in these two approaches, and how teachers involve students in the activity within these two approaches.

The next topic was non-formal education and active training, as well as the methods used in non-formal education.

Photo: Junior Achievement Albania

The second day of the training continued with EntreComp framework and introduction to entrepreneurial learning and competence framework. Then, the Practicum on the integration of EntreComp together with the VALI-COMP instruments was presented to the teachers.

An initiative to establish a a regional Western Balkans Community of Practice in VET was also presented.  In the end, 15 videos on entrepreneurial competencies were recorded to be used for EntreComp tutorials.

Photo: Junior Achievement Albania

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