ToT for teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The second training of trainers on integration of EntreComp framework in VET through the methods of non-formal education was held in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The three-day training held by Western Balkans Institute gathered 16 participants in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska, namely teachers of secondary vocational schools, school principals and organizers of practical classes. Partner organizations MUNJA and REDAH participated in the organization of the event and invitation of participants.

Participants were introduced to the EnteComp framework, its 3 areas and the 15 entrepreneurial competencies. During the discussion, the participants presented one competency to each other, and then discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Photo: Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska

The topics of the training were also non-formal education, active training and how adults learn. Methods of informal education and their application in teaching were also discussed, through work in small groups.

VALI-COMP instruments, regional Western Balkans Community of Practice in VET and Practicum were also presented, as well as some activities for the integration of EntreComp competencies into teaching. The participants also suggested the best channels to promote the practicum.

Photo: Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska

In the end, 15 videos on entrepreneurial competencies were recorded to be used for EntreComp tutorials.

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