Marija Miličković

Marija Miličković

ToT for teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The second training of trainers on integration of EntreComp framework in VET through the methods of non-formal education was held in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The three-day training held by Western Balkans Institute gathered 16 participants in the premises…

Our year in a review

We are excited to announce the publication of our first project newsletter! Packed with updates and news, our newsletter will keep you informed about our project’s progress. Whether you’re a project stakeholder, collaborator, or simply curious about what we’re up…

Teacher Training in Sarajevo

Student Company program training for teachers from Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on September 26-27 in Sarajevo. The training was organised by Social Innovation Incubator Munja, Redah Association for Economic Development and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of  Republic…